Friday, May 15, 2009

Quiet Play

Look I have proof, my kids do actually like each other, and they can play quietly together. I was at the kitchen table, and I heard the boys talking quietly to each other in the bedroom. I was a little nervous because I had not had to settle a dispute in over 5 minutes, and I had not heard ...You're a meaner, or I'm not playing with you, or your are dumb or I not play with you... in over 10 minutes, but just quiet talking. I started wondering if they were plotting something, and then I walked to the hall way and listened. To my surprise, they were actually just playing together nicely. I had to document the occasion because I knew without a picture Terry would never believe it.


BJ said...

I love Legos!

M. Harrison said...

My kids do the same minute they will be fighting like no other and then they will find something that they can agree on and they will play awsome together! It is those moments that we have to hold on to when they are start driving us crazy fighting again!!