Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A thought- I Am So Blessed

So, have you ever had a day when you realized that you were a very lucky person? I realized that today. I am going to school and loving what I am studying. I am married to the best guy on the planet (and as of lately he has proven this a million times over), I am able to work when I want, I have the best kids in the world, I have a home, and family that love me. I really have nothing to be complaining about. I know that I am definately loved by my Heavenly Father, and I am truly blessed. While I was at work tonight I was listening to Pandora, and Martina Mc Bride's song Blessed came on, I think this lead me to ponder how lucky I am. I am so blessed. Thanks you Heavenly Father!!! Many people are not so blessed with a loving family, a home over their heads, a supportive husband, and family. I am also blessed that I am able to chose to do what I want and that I have my freedom. We are all blessed... May you count your many blessing today!


Bonnie and Tyler said...

you can't get any better than terry!

Beth said...

nichole and terry, cute kids life is good huh

Bonnie and Tyler said...

Alright... two months is pretty sad! We need an update!!

BJ said...

I agree with Bonnie. anything new to report?