Friday, February 20, 2009

What the Heck!!!

What the heck is wrong with my kids these days? This is the question I keep asking myself. Today Juan is crying if you look at him the wrong way. Mario can't seem to walk past someone with out hitting them, and Franny is very weepy. As I pondered this question I realized that... We have been up late every night this week. No wonder they are all a little out of sorts. It also couldn't be that I am also tired, and it is crunch time at school to get things done.

The counselor also told me a couple of week ago, that this is a hard time for kids, their counseling appointment double the 2nd week of January through to the end of Feb. Maybe it's a full moon, I don't know. All I know is that we are all going to be early!!!!!


Bonnie and Tyler said...

I love you Nicholle! Hang in there, those 3 are just testing you :-) Good Luck with School!

jenn gent said...

It always seems like everything hits at the same time. Just remember it can only get better! :)